Category Race

The American Flag is a Symbol of Hate With No Place In Our Vibrant Democracy. Take It Down!

By Erik Mugabe The United States of America was founded by slave-owning white supremacists. The American flag is literally a symbol of slavery, white supremacy, and Native-American genocide. Good people do not disagree on these points. The American founders were all racist, cis-gendered, heterosexist white males. This is 2020; why are these ugly rags, we […]

Meet the Democrats – Video

Reparations for Slavery: The Worst Idea in American History – Video

What No One Says About “Identity Politics” – Video

Farms identified for expropriation without compensation – South Africa

Do you live in South Africa? If so you may wish to visit this site The ANC recently announced that the party had drawn up a list of farms to be expropriated without compensation. AfriForum obtained a list of farms that have been identified for expropriation which is being circulated in the Department of Rural […]

Trump Dares to Notice South Africa

Dinesh D’Souza Pushes The Joke: “Dems Are The REAL Racists”

Please help persecuted South African Whites! – URGENT!

Whites in South Africa are now having their farms and land stolen from them by the racist South African government without compensation. White South Africans of all ages are being horrifically massacred every day. Black South African politician Julius Malema brazenly says that they are not calling for the killing of all whites in South […]

Report Illegals – our new flyer on Immigration!

We have just finished our new flyer, “Report Illegals.” This flyer has no copyright information, and can be adapted by anyone for other white countries. Because we haven’t put our own website on it, we hope that diverse race-realist, nationalist, and anti-immigration groups will be wiling to use it. Report Illegals

How Can We Solve the Race Problem?